2023-07-20 11:38:29 浏览量:0次
做IA的第一步就是选题,IA和EE题目不能重复,否则零分。在写IA之前,可以提前想好自己感兴趣的话题,了解背景资料,设计项目实施流程,与导师讨论改进。 IA的题目可以是我们知道的一些研究结论,更注重学科大纲上的知识点。
写IA或者EE的时候,如果涉及到别人的意见和资料,一定要标注。在撰写本文时,除了 Reflection and Real Life Connection 的最后一部分,IA其余的部分都需要使用第三人称。
1、Does the storage temperature affect the purity of washing soda crystals and determine the acid-base titration to determine crystal water?
2、Study on the effect of fermentation time and temperature on pH value of kimchi by acid-base titration
3、How does the size and charge of the observed ions affect the neutralization enthalpy measured using calorimetry?
4、How do light intensity and temperature affect the stability of unsaturated oils, determined by measuring the iodine value?
5、What are the pKa values of natural indicators for peony, poppy and red cabbage using colorimetry?
6、How do voltage and electrolyte concentration affect oxide layer thickness during aluminum anodization?
7、Does the concentration of nitrate ions in soil affect the quality of water that smart polymer hydrogels can absorb?
8、Study on the kinetics of the reaction between potassium iodide and lead nitrate by microchemical method
9、Does cooking temperature affect the vitamin C content of kale as measured by iodine titration
10、The concentration of oxalate, measured by redox titration, in cooking water from foods such as spinach is affected by water temperature and pH?