新加坡接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些
2024-03-13 09:42:35 浏览量:0次
新加坡接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些 受到疫情影响暂时没法参加线下考试的同学,现在可以直接报名线上考试,足不出户也能参与雅思考试,那么,新加坡的学校接受这个考试成绩吗?有哪些呢,感兴趣的朋友和外语频道一起来看看吧
Duke-NUS Medical School
East Asia Institute of Management
Emeritus Institute of Management
Nanyang Institute of Fine Arts
Nanyang Polytechnic
Nanyang Technology University
Nanyang Technological University – School of Humanities
Nanyang Technological University, Nanyang Business School
National University of Singapore
National University of Singapore, Department of Materials Science and Engineering
PSB Academy
SHRM College
Singapore Institute of Management
Singapore Institute of Technology
Singapore Management University
Singapore Polytechnic
Singapore University of Technology and Design
Stanfort Academy
以上就是“新加坡接受IELTS Indicator分数的学校有哪些”的相关内容。新加坡接受的学校还挺多,在这里小编要提醒大家,如果能够条件允许的话,大家最好还是报名参加线下的雅思考试!预祝同学们取得好成绩