2023-10-14 11:07:22 浏览量:0次
The Balance of Payments——The Structure of the Balance of Payments
The key point to note here is that these incomes (annual flows of money) are derived from invested capital (stocks of wealth) that appears in the capital account. This is the crucial link between the current and the capital accounts. Interest is earned on money invested in the 'other investment' section of the capital account, and the bonds in the 'portfolio investment' section of the capital account (see the green line on the diagram above). Profit is earned on money invested in businesses in the 'direct investment' section of the capital account (see the red line of the diagram above). Dividends are earned from the investment in shares that appear in the 'portfolio investment' section of the capital account (see the blue line on the diagram above).
This also used to be under the old 'invisibles'. Transfers are now separated into a separate section because they are different in the sense that they do not reflect any actual trade. This section is split into two; government transfers and transfers made by other sectors.
Government transfers include contributions to the EU (most of which is used for the Common Agricultural Policy or CAP) and foreign aid. These are flows of money out of the UK (-). The 'other sectors' section many highlights the transfer of assets by individuals to foreign bank accounts.
The capital account资本账户
The Capital account measures all the short term and long term monetary transactions between the UK and the rest of the world. Generally, these flows of money are associated with saving and investment, but speculation has become a big part of the account in recent years. Officially, the name has changed to 'Capital and Financial Accounts', but examiners seem to be happy for you to use 'capital account', probably because it is a lot less hassle to write down under exam conditions! Here are the four main sections.