2023-11-04 09:21:10 浏览量:0次
最近经常有学生来问如何在A-level经济学论文中进行评估,虽然有多种可能的方法,但如果不确定,有一个好方法可以开始,那就是使用“depends on”方法。下面为大家详细介绍一下。
如果不确定如何开始,一个可靠的方法是“depends on”。考虑以下评估阶段:
•说明“depends on”某些因素。
题目:Assess whether governments should put in place a sugar tax.评估政府是否应该征收糖税。
Point 1 – Diagram for sugar tax
Sugar tax diagram means lower quantity, higher price, reducing the size of any negative externality e.g. in terms of increased use of health service. I might use a diagram like the one below to show the effect of a tax. In the exam this diagram would be fully explained.
The effect of a tax depends on the price elasticity of demand (PED) for the good being taxed. If the demand is price-inelastic, then the tax will lead only to a small fall in quantity and a larger rise in price. This would mean little effect on consumers’ health. Sugar can be addictive and so is likely to have an inelastic PED, meaning the tax on its own may have less direct benefits for consumer health.
Point 2 – Firms’ costs
Increased costs for firms leads to lower profits, employment and investment in sugar industries.
The effect on firms’ costs depends on whether firms change their products. Firms may switch to producing non-sugary drinks which do not face the sugar tax. This means the tax would not increase firms’ costs as much, so there would be less harm to profits and employment in the sugar industry. for example Coca-Cola could produce more sugar-free Coca-Cola, to avoid the sugar tax. Some firms are also increasing the use of sugar substitutes, such as stevia, in some soft drinks. So firms’ costs are likely to increase less as firms have shown they can adapt their products.
Points 3 – Inequality
A per-unit tax on sugar may increase poverty and post-tax inequality. The tax means consumers pay more for sugary drinks and the tax takes up a larger proportion of a poorer consumer’s income, compared to the income of a richer consumer.
The effect on inequality may depend on what the government does with the revenue raised. For example, some of the revenue could go towards increased welfare payments for those on low incomes. This would mitigate any effect on inequality, while still incentivising sugar consumers to reduce their consumption (particularly those on high income). However at the moment the UK Government has a very large budget deficit of 14.5% of GDP in the year ending March 2021. Hence any tax funds raised are likely to go towards closing the budget deficit rather than increased welfare payments. This means inequality is likely to increase as a result of the tax.