A-level生物高频考点自然界碳循环Carbon Cycle详解
2023-09-12 16:46:51 浏览量:0次
Carbon cycle shows the movement of carbon in elemental and combined states on earth. Diamond and graphite are the elemental forms of carbon and in a combined state, it is found as carbonates in minerals and as carbon dioxide gas in the atmosphere. Read on to explore the definition and the steps involved in the carbon cycle. Also learn the various elements of the carbon cycle diagram.
Carbon Cycle Definition 碳循环的定义
Carbon cycle is the process where carbon compounds are interchanged among the biosphere, geosphere, pedosphere, hydrosphere, and atmosphere of the earth.
Carbon Cycle Steps 碳循环的步骤
Following are the major steps involved in the process of the carbon cycle:
Carbon present in the atmosphere is absorbed by plants for photosynthesis.
These plants are then consumed by animals and carbon gets bioaccumulated into their bodies.
These animals and plants eventually die, and upon decomposing, carbon is released back into the atmosphere.
Some of the carbon that is not released back into the atmosphere eventually become fossil fuels.
These fossil fuels are then used for man-made activities, which pump more carbon back into the atmosphere.
Carbon Cycle Diagram 碳循环图
The carbon cycle diagram below elaborates the flow of carbon along different paths. 下面的碳循环图阐述了碳在不同路径上的流动。
Carbon Cycle on Land 陆地上的碳循环
Carbon in the atmosphere is present in the form of carbon dioxide. Carbon enters the atmosphere through natural processes such as respiration and industrial applications such as burning fossil fuels. The process of photosynthesis involves the absorption of CO2 by plants to produce carbohydrates. The equation is as follows:
CO2 + H2O + energy → (CH2O)n +O2
Carbon compounds are passed along the food chain from the producers to consumers. The majority of the carbon exists in the body in the form of carbon dioxide through respiration. The role of decomposers is to eat the dead organism and return the carbon from their body back into the atmosphere. The equation for this process is:
(CH2O)n +O2 → CO2 + H2O
Oceanic Carbon Cycle 海洋碳循环
This is essentially a carbon cycle but in the sea. Ecologically, oceans take in more carbon than it gives out. Hence, it is called a “carbon sink.” Marine animals convert carbon to calcium carbonate and this forms the raw building materials require to create hard shells, similar to the ones found in clams and oysters.
这基本上是一个碳循环,但在海洋中。在生态学上,海洋吸收的碳比它发出的多。因此,它被称为 "碳汇"。海洋动物将碳转化为碳酸钙,这形成了制造硬壳所需的原始建筑材料,类似于蛤蜊和牡蛎中的硬壳。